doc [lyrics] "Heavenly Bank Account" - Frank Zappa
_ scritto il 24.07.2014 alle ore 13:12 _ 3654 letture

"Heavenly Bank Account" - Frank Zappa (1981)

And if these words you do not heed
Your pocketbook just kinda might recede
When some man comes along and
Claims godly need
He will clean you out right through your

That's right, remember there is a big
Difference between kneeling down
And bending over...

He's got twenty million dollars
In his heavenly bank account...
All from those chumps who was
Born again
Oh yeah, oh yeah

He's got seven limousines
And a private plane...
All for the use of his
Special friends
Oh yeah, oh yeah
He's got thousand-dollar suits
And a wembley tie...
Girls love to stroke it
While he's on the phone
Oh yeah, oh yeah

At the house of representatives
He's a groovy guy...
When he gives thanks
He is not alone...

He is dealin'
He is really dealin'
IRS can't determine
Where the hook is

It is easy with the bible
To pretend that
You're in show biz

They won't get him
They will never get him
For the naughty stuff
That he did

It is best in cases like this
To pretend that
You are stupid

He's got presidential help
All along the way

He says the grace
While the lawyers chew
Oh yeah
They sure do

And the govenors agree to say:
"he's a lovely man!"
He makes it easier for
Them to screw
All of you...
Yes, that's true!

'cause he helps put the fear of god
In the common man
Snatchin' up money
Everywhere he can
Oh yeah, oh yeah

He's got twenty million dollars
In his heavenly bank account
You ain't got nothin', people
Tax the churches!
You ain't got nothin', people
Tax the businesses owned by the churches!
You ain't got nothin', people
Thank the man...
Oh yeah

Versione live di Zappa:

Qui invece c'è la versione che ho suonato al "Sessantotto Village" a Roma a metà luglio 2014:

_ chiavi di lettura:lyrics, rock

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