doc [Le Poesie del Nonno] Sensations from Perugia
_ scritto il 01.03.2015 alle ore 23:10 _ 2704 letture

Enzo Amorini - Tuesday, August 11, 1981

Walking up or down
during a market-day
you cross people and people
coming from the surrounding little towns,
from country villages.
Colorful gesticulating people
are offering merchandise
to people assembled all around.

With difficulty one proceeds
through the narrow stairway
of Saint Ercolano.

On one side
a fat little dark man
show socks ---
three pair for 3.000 Lire;
white, blue, green, red aprons,
undershirts ---------
bla --- bla --- bla ---

Close to him
a young man from northern Italy
- he speaks somehow milanaise -
shows how to use
special secure tubes,
in order to get wine
from a big bottle
(a "damigiana")
into little ones
without the danger of spilling
some wine out.

At the end of the stairway
there are piles of shoes
of every kind.
On the opposite side
there is a junk of things ---
different and useless
as one finds in a Garage Sale
over there -------
crossing the Ocean.

[introduzioni e dediche]
[tutte le poesie]
_ chiavi di lettura:le poesie del nonno, poesia, società

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