doc [lyrics] "Judgement Day", "Total Recall" - Royal Hunt
_ scritto il 23.10.2008 alle ore 13:12 _ 4305 letture

"Judgement Day" - Royal Hunt (2001)

I don't need a reason
being who I am.
I don't need a reason
to try to understand.

Why we even bother,
in the noman's land,
killing one another.
For what? Some rocks and sand?

But I'll stop that flow - I won't let it go.

Everybody's losing
for a little gain.
Everybody's choosing
to walk away in pain.

Wake me up, I'm dreaming
world's gone insane.
I would give my life away,
but who can stop the rain?

I swear I'll stop these bullets in the air,
I swear I won't walk away.
My share's to be a tougher man to scare,
my share-right to the dawn of Judgement Day.

I know it's hard to move against the flow,
I know but I won't hide away.
I'll go 'cross the desert, through the snow,
I'll go into the light of Judgement Day.

I know this day will come and count the score.

Waiting for tomorrow
I'd close my eyes and pray:
"Take my load of sorrow
and all my fears away".

In a scary fashion
nightmare reappears .
I can feel it coming
and waking up in tears.

Don't tell me lies,
'coz everybody knows what's goin'on.
We're almost proud
that our race is bad right to the bone.
Can't you see we're looking again,
high and low, for the world to destroy
like our own?

"Total Recall" - Royal Hunt (2001)

We gave this pain to the world which we can't understand.
Blood disappears like the raindrops when hitting the sand.

Eye on the Bible and hand on the gun
wandering comes to an end-
Fight in the name of your god and his son
wait for the final command:

Total Recall - we saw it all, we took it all, protected by the law.
Total Recall - we torched another life we'll never know.
Total Recall - we shot it all, we burned it all and now it's time to go.

Wish for redemption and peace's never crossing our mind.
Blood on the bricks - that's all that we're leaving behind.
Pictures of home disappearing in flames. Mission's complete.
In the end there's nothing to lose, we're ready to go
wait for the final command - "Total Recall".

_ chiavi di lettura:lyrics, heavy metal, progressive metal, hard rock, power metal, neo classical metal

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