doc [lyrics] "Heresy in Disguise" - Falconer
_ scritto il 12.12.2008 alle ore 09:42 _ 4269 letture
Ha un non so che di appropriato in questo periodo...

"Heresy in Disguise" - Falconer (2001)

Behind the dark walls
dark secrets hide in the shadows.
An coil presence
in the fortress of light.
Darkness is falling
as the spirit of god slips away.
You're a sinner by night
and a holy saint by day.

In the sacred corridors evil is set free,
lurking among the shadows of the monastery.
Heresy in Disguise.
Heresy in Disguise.

His eyes glow like fire
as he turns the ancient pages.
Discovering mysteries
not revealed in many ages.
Brother William, brother of sin
What do you do as the sun descends?
Beware of what you might see
as you open the door
to the beast.

In the sacred corridors evil is set free,
lurking among the shadows of the monastery.
Heresy in Disguise.
Heresy in Disguise.

_ chiavi di lettura:lyrics, heavy metal, power metal

_ potrebbero interessarti


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