doc [lyrics] "Heal the Waters" - Ark
_ scritto il 08.01.2009 alle ore 09:54 _ 4003 letture

"Heal the Waters" - Ark (2001)

Why Don't We Hear
Why Don't We See
Is There No Future For You And Me
Why Do We Hide Behind A Masque.
Suddenly Breathless
All Is Black And Blinding Me
Truth Is A Lie And Lies Are True.
What Is Weak Is Sometimes Strong.

Sending A Message To All
Sending A Message To God
We Must Bring Light To The Darkness
In Time We Will Rise Above.

Heal The Waters
Earth Is The Lamb To The Slaughter
And Give Us Magic
Release Our Devoted Souls.

Look Behind You
You've Seen The Kingdoms Fall
Subliminal Wars Make Us Cry For Sundown.
Holy Man Wash The Blood From Your Hand
Godless Behavior Throughout The Land.
I Fear You - You Fear Me
Building Our Bridges Eternaly.
Gates Of Hell Cast Their Spell
Your Mark And Your Colors Are Branded On You.

Sending A Message To All
Sending A Message To God
We Must Bring Light To The Darkness
In Time We Will Rise Above.

Heal The Waters
Earth Is The Lamb To The Slaughter
And Give Us Magic
Release Our Devoted Souls.

Angel Wings Burned To Ashes
Scattered Through The Sky
The Smell Of Cinder And Melting Steel
This Wound Will Never Heal.

Sending A Message - A Message To All
Sending A Message To God

Heal The Waters
Earth Is The Lamb To The Slaughter
And Give Us Magic
Release Our Souls.

_ chiavi di lettura:lyrics, heavy metal, progressive metal

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