_ scritto il 01.12.2009 alle ore 00:32 _
10578 letture
Apprendo con grande dispiacere che a Ronnie James Dio è stato diagnosticato un tumore allo stomaco. Lo comunica la moglie direttamente dalla home page del cantante.
Ronnie has been diagnosed with the early stages of stomach cancer. We are starting treatment immediately at the Mayo Clinic. After he kills this dragon, Ronnie will be back on stage, where he belongs, doing what he loves best, performing for his fans.
Thanks to all the friends and fans around the world that have sent well wishes. This has really helped to keep his spirit up.
Long Live Rock and Roll, Long Live Ronnie James Dio
Fortunatamente il cancro è allo stadio iniziale e Ronnie ha già iniziato i trattamenti.
Con le dita costantemente incrociate, gli faccio
tanti auguri di pronta guarigione.
Il 21 dicembre, sul sito ufficiale, ha postato un messaggio di auguri e ringraziamento:
Happy holidays everyone,
I'd like to take the time to thank everyone for the most wonderfull gifts I have ever received. The list includes your good wishes, your prayers, your support, your tears and laughter, your anger and rejoicing, and most of all the unwavering love you've bestowed upon me. I guess I've always felt that we were one person and that you've allowed me to be our spokesman, but until this time of my greatest peril the truth was perhaps slightly hidden. It is hidden no more. Together we' shall face the foe and live on to climb higher mountains and explore greater magic. Together we cannot fail. Please accept my never ending love and dedication to you all. So it is written, and so it shall be.