doc [lyrics] "Courage" - Manowar
_ scritto il 01.05.2010 alle ore 13:59 _ 4100 letture

"Courage" - Manowar (1996)

Some want to think hope is lost see me stand alone
I can't do what others may want then I'll have no home

So for now wave good-bye and leave your hands held high
Hear this song of courage long into the night
So for now wave good-bye and leave your hands held high
Hear this song of courage long into the night

And the wind will bear my cry to all who hope to fly
Hear this song of courage ride into the night

Battles are fought by those with the courage to believe
They are won by those who find the heart
Find a heart to share
This heart that fills the soul will point the way to victory
If there's a fight then I'll be there, I'll be there

So for now wave good-bye, leave your hands held high
Hear this song of courage long into the night
And the wind will bear my cry to all who hope to fly
Lift your wings up high my friend fearless to the end
So for now wave good-bye, leave your hands held high
Hear this song of courage ride into the night

_ chiavi di lettura:lyrics, heavy metal, power metal

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