doc [lyrics] "Just a Little" - Ark
_ scritto il 16.11.2010 alle ore 18:14 _ 3792 letture

"Just a Little" - Ark (2001)

Strangers Meeting On The Surface Of The Earth
Communicating Making Trends For What It's Worth
Sacrificial Bleedings From This Wonderful Machine
Frantically Creating Artificial Human Beings

Moving Faster As We Keep Our Hopes Up High
Maybe Someday We Will Know The Reason Why
Only Love Can Bring Us Forward

We Won't Give Up The Fight - We Shine So Bright
'cause We Are Just A Little Crazy
Dance Upon The World - Fly Like A Bird
Touch The Sky And One Day Maybe
Just A Little Crazy

In The Temple Of Missinformation We Are Born
Wars Fought And Created All The Heroes Have Come And Gone
Transcending Signals Outside This Big Balloon
Playing With Needles Under Shadows Of The Moon

Moving Faster And We Keep Our Hopes Up High
Maybe Someday We Will Know The Reason Why
Only Love Can Bring Us Forward
Holding Hands Together

We Won't Give Up The Fight - We Shine So Bright
'cause We Are Just A Little Crazy
Dance Upon The World - Fly Like A Bird
Touch The Sky And One Day Maybe
Just A Little Crazy

Don't Give Up The Fight - You Shine So Bright
'cause You Are Just A Little Crazy
Dance Upon The World - Fly Like A Bird
Touch The Sky And One Day Maybe
Keep Your Head Up High
Don't Give Up The Fight - We Shine So Bright
We Are Just A Little Crazy
We Won't Give Up - Won't Give Up - Won't Give Up
Just A Little Crazy - Just A Little

_ chiavi di lettura:lyrics, heavy metal, progressive metal

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