doc [lyrics] "Silent Revolution" - Grave Digger
_ scritto il 31.03.2011 alle ore 10:42 _ 3923 letture

"Silent Revolution" - Grave Digger (2007)

Don't kneel in the sand, defend your land
The kiss of racism is touching your head
I'm not god, I'm a political man
A leader, a lawyer against tyranny

We're raising our hands against execution
We're heading out for silent revolution
We're trying to resist bloody persecution
We're crying out for silent revolution

Silent revolution
Silent revolution
Silent revolution
Silent revolution

Spread the words of freedom,
Defend your rights
Our only religion is a peaceful fight
I'm not god, I'm a man of the people
Stand for the children the innocence of life

We're raising our hands against execution
We're heading out for silent revolution
We're trying to resist bloody persecution
We're crying out for silent revolution

Silent revolution
Silent revolution
Silent revolution
Silent revolution

Spoken: What difference does it make
To the dead, the orphans, and the homeless,
Whether the mad destruction is wrought
Under the name of totalitarianism
Or the holy name of liberty and democracy
And for that I had to died???

_ chiavi di lettura:lyrics, power metal, speed metal, heavy metal

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_ Commento di Lyserjik _ profilo homepage
_ scritto il 31.03.2011 alle ore 11:27
Io sono ancora più radicale, in questo:

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_ Commento di Darsch _ profilo
_ scritto il 31.03.2011 alle ore 16:12
Potevi tranquillamente intasare, siamo in un post dove le lyrics regnano sovrane :P

Bello il testo! La canzone non l'ho ancora sentita perché sono in ufficio, ma provvederò! ;)
_ Commento di Darsch _ profilo
_ scritto il 31.03.2011 alle ore 23:19
E comunque fa piacere finalmente trovare qualcuno che ha compreso appieno il vero spirito della rubrica "lyrics". ^_^


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