doc [lyrics] "Letter To A Friend" - Gotthard
_ scritto il 21.01.2013 alle ore 11:48 _ 4102 letture

"Letter To A Friend" - Gotthard (2007)

Hello, My Friend, How is your life today?
You don't wanna talk, but there's so much to say...

I want to rescue your rights again
'Cause I know they tell me lies

Hello, My Friend, How is your life today?

Hello, My Friend, Is not time to pray.
Don't close your eyes
There's a live to leave you awake.

I know how hard it is, don't you lose your faith.
C'mon, My Friend, Don't throw your life away!

I know you're waiting
For an answer now

Hope you won't give up too soon, there's so much left to say...
Still is not too late to change your mind.
Take a look into the mirror, better open up your eyes.
And I hope this letter hope to find your way.
Find your way!

Hello, My Friend, How were you today?
I'm reading all your stories forbidden on your face!
You've forgot your heart and what he's got to say...

Hello, My Friend, How was you today?

Here's my letter down
With a message from your home.
That's all my friend
It's all I have to say!
All I have to say!

Hello, My Friend, How is your life today?

_ chiavi di lettura:lyrics, heavy metal, hard rock

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